Maggie at Montara Beach. |
Turning into one of those lazy bloggers that only update once a month....
Maggie would like everyone to know that her owners took advantage of the spectacular fall weather we've been having here in SF Bay up until this week.... now it feels like winter has finally arrived. We had many fun days at Fort Funston this year and it was a milestone for Maggie in that she can get into the ocean (or any water hole). She's even been pinched by a dungeness crab and learned her lesson!
Random photo of jellyfish taken at California Academy of Sciences. |
マギーちゃんママさん、 大変ご無沙汰しております! マギーちゃんはお元気ですか? 突然ですが、ブログを引っ越しました。 新しいブログは・・・ http://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiromi2721/e/e4cdfc8a259864719af96115cc66f948 「柴犬蘭の生活。」です。 これからも宜しくお願い致します♪